Ever wish you could just find the love of your life without having to deal with all the idiots?
I hear you!
If you're watching other people meet the love of their lives
and settle down and you feel a pang of real, visceral pain
that you aren't in the same position, you've come to the
right place.
“He’s obviously an idiot… You’re amazing,” say your
well-meaning friends as they try to console you after
the break-up of your latest 'situation-ship'.
As much as you want to believe them, you can’t silence
the nagging voice inside your head that wants to know,
“If I’m so amazing, why am I still single? Why can't I find someone who wants to be with me?
Deep down, you know you're a good person with a lot to offer the right partner, but right now it might feel like:
You are a magnet for emotionally unavailable men.
You’re jaded from a long string of dating disappointments and in your darkest moments, you fear you might never find anyone who wants to be with you.
Dating feels like a chore and you find it hard to keep mustering up enthusiasm only to get your hopes dashed again.
You're terrified of making another wrong choice and wasting time on the wrong person again.
It feels like time is slipping through your fingers and you worry you might never meet your person.
You look at people who seemingly have what you want and wonder, 'What do they have that I don't?'
And when you do start dating somebody...
It starts out with intense chemistry and attraction and then seems to fizzle out, leaving you wondering what you did wrong.
You get excited and then the fear immediately sets in and soon you're overthinking every text and reading into every reply.
You get overly anxious when you notice a change in the communication pattern.
You feel inconsolably heartbroken when it ends, even if it was only short-lived.
You're a smart woman. You know you are ready for a relationship, so why does dating feel so hard?
Allow me to explain...

The reason dating feels impossible is not because there is anything wrong with you. It's because you've been programmed from an early age to minimise your own needs to please others.
After years of coaching women all over the world, I found that the ones who struggled the most with attracting the right partner all had one thing in common:
They all had people-pleasing tendencies and found it difficult to set and maintain healthy boundaries in relationships.
It is possible to un-do a lifetime of conditioning and rewrite the narrative around your love life so that it aligns with the healthy, secure relationship you crave.
Enter the Align & Attract Coaching Program.
If you're ready to quit dating idiots once and for all, join me and a sisterhood of likeminded women as I take you on a journey of self-discovery through the Align & Attract Coaching Program.
To meet the partner of your dreams, all you have to do is:
1. Release all that sh*t that dimmed your f*cking shine!
2. Decide what you want
3. Learn how to regulate your nervous system
4. Get your subconscious mind on board with your desires
5. Learn how to express yourself and communicate your needs calmly and confidently
6. Align and Attract your ideal partner!
Not sure where to start? I'm here to be your number one cheerleader and guide you to the other side.... far, far away from the idiots of the past and into the arms of someone who will treat you with the love and adoration you deserve.
Schedule a Discovery Call today
What others are saying...

Helen, Brisbane
Big news!! We just bought a house together!
I feel like my whole world right now is just another level!
Thank you for being my number-one cheerleader!

Kate, UK
Now at the age of 40, I look at my reflection in the mirror and I see me, the person I am meant to be!
Thank you for making your way into my life, Laura!

Mia, USA
Remember when we would describe my 'delicious' man? Who knew I'd manifest someone better than I had even hoped for! Delicious 1000% and now we have a baby on the way! I will never grow tired of thanking you, Laura!!